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Jessica Walton & Aśka: Stars in their Eyes

Chenee Marrapodi

On episode 34 of the Writers off the Page podcast, we look at the rise of graphic novels and visual storytelling with Jessica Walton and Aśka, co-creators of Stars in their Eyes.

Jessica Walton and Aśka are the co-creators of the graphic novel Stars in their Eyes, which has been described as 'a captivating graphic novel with a diverse and inclusive cast' – and I couldn't agree more.

Stars in their Eyes is the story of Maisie, a queer, disabled teenager with chronic pain. It follows her to Fancon, where she is desperate to meet her idol, Kara Bufano, an amputee actor who plays a kick-arse amputee character in her favourite show.

Fancon is big, exciting and exhausting. While there, Maisie meets Ollie, a cute volunteer who she has a lot in common with.

Jessica Walton is a queer, disabled writer, musician and speaker. They’re also the author of Introducing Teddy, which was illustrated by Dougal Macpherson, as well as a number of short stories for teens and kids, and poetry.

Aśka is a visual storyteller and science

communicator. She’s illustrated nine published books, and is a regular contributor to The School Magazine.



Chenée Marrapodi 2023

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