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Chenee Marrapodi

Sally Scott: Fromage

Death by cheese. In the final Writers off the Page episode for 2021, Sally Scott chats about her debut novel, Fromage, and how a health scare kickstarted her writing career.

Sally Scott is the author of Fromage, an Alex Grant Mystery, just dripping in cheese.

Alex Grant is a journalist with a strong love of shoes and cheese. She's on holiday in Croatia when she's accosted by an old school friend, Marie Puharich. There's something suss about Marie's family and her handsome cousin, Marco, and Alex is determined to find out what it is. She's invited to join Marie and her family at their creamery in Australia's South West. Unable to resist a good bite of cheese or a juicy story, Alex follows them south, leading to death, disaster and the destruction of multiple pairs of shoes.


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